Carbon Footprint VanRoje: A certified carbon footprint for the Van Roje saw mill is now published. The footprint was developed to express the sustainability of wood products used as construction material. Due to … Continue Reading →
SLCTM -Guideline
The guideline for a “Sustainable Low Carbon Tissue Manufacturing” is ready! Please find all information under „SLCTM“. Thanks for visiting our page.
Thermographic analysis
Question 1: Why performing a thermographic investigation? Not only for optimizing the heat losses of a simple building a thermographic investigation can be useful but also for optimizing steam and … Continue Reading →
Aluminium Walzprodukte und Ihr CO2
Entstehung von CO2- Emissionen bei der Herstellung von Aluminium Walzprodukten vor dem Hintergrund des nationalen Emissionshandelssystems Ein wesentliches Ziel der derzeitigen Klimapolitik ist die Reduzierung entstehender Treibhausgase. Mit ihr gingen … Continue Reading →
Carbon Footprint VanRoje
A certified carbon footprint for the Van Roje saw mill is now published. The footprint was developed to express the sustainability of wood products used as construction material. Due to … Continue Reading →